How Do I Meet People?
A church is more than a place to grow in your faith. It is more than a place to learn, love and serve. A church is a place to BELONG! At FUMC Winnsboro, you’ll feel a sense of belonging the first time you connect, whether it’s at church on Sunday morning at 10:50 or any of the other places you choose to connect! Children, grandparents, active retirees, busy moms and dads, business people with big responsibilities ~ we want you to be a part of our vibrant church community so here are some place you can connect…

Mondays, 1-3 pm ~ Knit, crochet & needle point… Everyone is welcome to come to join us as we talk, stitch and hangout together. Friends are always welcome and you can come and go as your schedule allows. We can’t wait to get to know you!
…contact SARA HAYS for more information
S u n d a y S c h o o l S m a l l G r o u p s
If you’re looking for a small groups of people to interact with on a more personal level, we have several ongoing Sunday school groups to fit every faith stage or life group.
CLICK HERE to choose which group works best for you!

Coffee with the Pastor
Pastor Debbie enjoys getting to know people personally so whether you’re brand new or been coming your whole life, she wants to get to know you and your friends! EMAIL her today!