What a blessing it is to give back to God just a small part of what He has given us!
Your gifts to God through First United Methodist Church Winnsboro make it possible to do His work
in our own back yards and have far reaching effects in His Kingdom!
Memorial gifts to honor a loved one  or friend also honor God!
“What shall I return to the Lord for all that He has given me?” Psalm 116:12
There are several secure ways to give on a regular basis:
~DIRECT GIVING~ By clicking here (or the button below) you can make a one time donation (memorial gift, honorarium, love offering, etc.) or you can set up recurring offerings that automatically come out of your account ~ debit, credit, PayPal, or checking ~ when it’s convenient for you! Scheduling your offerings on a regular basis makes it much easier to put God first in your busy lives! With the cost of processing payments on the rise please consider checking the box to cover the processing fees when entering your donation. With the cost of processing payments on the rise please consider checking the box to cover the processing fees when entering your donation.
~ TEXT GIVING ~ Just send a text message with a dollar amount (i.e. 50 or $50) to 903-228-4944 (STORE THIS NUMBER IN YOUR PHONE under giving or tithing or something you’ll remember.) If it is your first time giving this way, you will have to fill out a short form with your billing info but after the initial setup, giving is as easy as sending a text! You will be asked if you want an email receipt and you will get a text confirmation. All text donations will go the General Fund unless specified. If you want to DESIGNATE the donation as a MEMORIAL, just add a specific name. ( i.e. $50 Memorial Bill Smith); for the Wednesday Night love offering, ($10 Wednesday meal), etc.
SUNDAY GIVING ~ Of course, you can always put your offering in the collection plate (and be sure your name and address is available so we can send you a tax deductible letter for your records at the end of the year), but this is also one time you can open your phone in church. Just download our APP from your Apple or Android store and click the DONATE button on your phone (or send a text, see above!).

For information on our ENDOWMENT FUND, click HERE.