“Each one should use whatever gift he has received
to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace
in its various forms.” 1 Pet 4:10
Unlike talents and skills which you can be born with, or roles and works which you can learn, nurture and develop, SPIRITUAL GIFTS are the grace of God at work within you, empowering you to match your deep passions with the world’s deep needs! God is nudging you to grow in your relationship with Him and understanding His purpose for you just might be part of that growth!
CLICK HERE to take a very simple multiple choice SPIRITUAL GIFTS ANALYSIS. It’s free and it will give you the option of printing your results at the end. Don’t over analyze the questions. Answer quickly as if you’re standing in the grocery store and no one knows you but God!
CLICK HERE to explore a description of the individual gifts.
Pastor Debbie would love to sit down and talk with you about your gifts so email her anytime!