What We Believe

The sources of our faith include
~ The writings of the founder of United Methodism, John Wesley.
We believe that four things guide our beliefs
~ The primacy of Scripture
~ Tradition
~ Experience
~ Reason
These four elements that guide our beliefs allow United Methodists to understand the historic Christian faith and to learn how to live it out in our contemporary world! For example, through our study of the Scriptures and through our application of reason, tradition and experience, we believe the following:
We believe in human dignity ~ We believe that God gives each person dignity and moral responsibility. The full splendor of humanity is seen in God’s personal revelation, Jesus Christ.
We believe in tolerance ~ We believe that while United Methodism retains much from its heritage, it acknowledges the virtues of different points of view, even within the same community of believers.
We believe in the primary importance of Grace ~ God forgiving and loving us, even though we don’t deserve it, grace is God’s loving action in human lives through the Holy Spirit. It is the spiritual climate/environment surrounding all human life.
United Methodists believe in “Prevenient” Grace ~ Prevenient means “goes ahead” or “runs ahead.” This is the Grace, the divine love that runs ahead of our conscious impulses and leads our hearts toward faith.
We believe in Conversion and New Birth ~ We believe that the human heart can change, through the grace and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We believe in Faith and Good Works ~ We are saved by faith alone but we believe you cannot have one without the other. Personal salvation leads to involvement in Christian mission in the world. Faith compels to reach out to each other in love.
We believe in the Sacraments ~ Like most other Protestants we recognize only those sacraments in which Jesus Christ himself participated: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper (communion).

We also believe in the Ordination of Women ~ And we understand there are varying opinions about this issue. Click here for more.
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SOURCE: Methodist Global Board of Ministries, www.umc.org