All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need. Acts 4:32-35
The First United Methodist Church of Winnsboro, Texas Endowment Fund was established in 2018 thanks to a most generous gift from the Anne B. Milner Estate to provide the opportunity to make enduring charitable gifts to the First United Methodist Church of Winnsboro, Texas. The objective of the Endowment Fund is to preserve the principal and to perpetuate the Fund. The Fund is the means through which gifts will become a living memorial and a source of financial support to benefit the church and its programs. It is the vehicle for receiving and managing gifts that look to the future, and it enhances the ability of the church to promote its ministries and care for its property. To give to this wonderful ENDOWMENT fund:

The endowment fund offers wonderful opportunities for donors to honor the life and special contributions of others, as well as ongoing monthly or annual contributions. Gifts given in honor of and in memory of family and friends will provide a major source of assets with which to assure the mission of God’s church. Your gift to the permanent endowment gives the satisfying feeling of major support, with the assurance that money from the Endowment Fund will be used exclusively to make disciples of Jesus Christ through the support of mission and outreach purposes through:
Youth Ministry
The endowment fund offers wonderful opportunities for donors to honor the life and special contributions of others, as well as ongoing monthly or annual contributions. Gifts given in honor of and in memory of family and friends will provide a major source of assets with which to assure the mission of God’s church. Your gift to the permanent endowment gives the satisfying feeling of major support, with the assurance that money from the Endowment Fund will be used exclusively to make disciples of Jesus Christ through the support of mission and outreach purposes through:
Youth Ministry
Children’s Ministry
Missions Worship and Music Ministry
Care, Repair and Maintenance of the Facilities
Missions Worship and Music Ministry
Care, Repair and Maintenance of the Facilities
GIFT PLANNING: some gifts to consider
Gifts of Cash Gifts through wills
Gifts of Cash Gifts through wills
Gifts of securities Gifts of real estate
Gifts of tangible personal property Gifts of life insurance
Gifts of charitable trusts Gifts of mineral rights
Gifts of charitable trusts Gifts of mineral rights
Adding a codicil to your will (CLICK HERE or contact our church office) is a great way to include your church in your planned giving. You will want to include a version of the following sentence in your estate plan or beneficiary documents: I give (the amount or percent of my estate and/or type of asset) to the First United Methodist Church of Winnsboro, Texas Endowment Fund.
Adding a codicil to your will (CLICK HERE or contact our church office) is a great way to include your church in your planned giving. You will want to include a version of the following sentence in your estate plan or beneficiary documents: I give (the amount or percent of my estate and/or type of asset) to the First United Methodist Church of Winnsboro, Texas Endowment Fund.
The fund is managed by the Endowment Fund Committee and will strictly comply with the Endowment Fund Guidelines. The Committee has specific duties spelled out in the UNITED METHODIST CHURCH BOOK OF DISCIPLINE and is operated under the direction and guidelines of our Charge Conference. CLICK HERE for the bylaws as approved at the October 2019 Charge Conference.
The fund is managed by the Endowment Fund Committee and will strictly comply with the Endowment Fund Guidelines. The Committee has specific duties spelled out in the UNITED METHODIST CHURCH BOOK OF DISCIPLINE and is operated under the direction and guidelines of our Charge Conference. CLICK HERE for the bylaws as approved at the October 2019 Charge Conference.